ASCA Supporting Charities
As well as helping improve school purchasing and canteen profitability, ASCA also has a secondary purpose: directing funds to charities that support the education and welfare of vulnerable school-aged children.
As a not-for-profit organisation, each year ASCA donates its surplus funds to a range of registered charities. The ASCA Constitution sets out that the charities we support must be: registered charities that provide direct and indirect support to facilitate the advancement of the education and welfare of vulnerable school-aged children.
Since our inception in 1979, ASCA has continually supported charities that assist vulnerable school-aged children, with millions of dollars donated to date. Since 2000, we have donated almost $11M to charities that focus on supporting the education of vulnerable children in Australia (* figures as of June 2023).
ASCA has established the ASCA Education Foundation (AEF) Trust to manage the funds it has set aside for charitable purposes and to direct funding to worthy causes that are consistent with ASCA’s charitable objectives.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible charity contribution to the AEF Trust, call ASCA on 1800 219 556.
Charities we support:
We are proud to support The Smith Family, a national children’s education charity that works with children and young people to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty – so they can thrive now and into their futures.
Learning for Life is The Smith Family’s core program. It provides almost 60,000 young Australians in need with a proven combination of financial, personal and practical support to empower them to harness education and build skills to unlock their true potential.
ASCA provides funding each year for The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program.
Click here for a special message to ASCA members from The Smith Family.
Making a genuine lifelong difference in the lives of autistic children and their families. A not-for-profit organisation with 11 centres across Queensland, ACT and South Australia. AEIOU offers a unique evidence-based integrated service where therapy, care and early education meet to provide a safe, engaging early education setting where children with autism are valued, respected and included.
Children who attend AEIOU have often been refused care in mainstream early education settings due to challenging behaviours. For families, having a safe space for their children to learn and grow means they can continue their day-to-day lives. This alone is life-changing.
AEIOU supports children to develop the skills required to transition successfully to their next education setting, creating a strong foundation for them to live their best lives.
State Schools' Relief is an organisation established in the 1920s in Victoria which was established to assist needy state school children, in particular, to supply them with school clothing and footwear.
ASCA is the largest non-government funder of the organisation and has provided well over $1 million in donations.
Stewart House is a charity, hospital and school. It provides healthcare and short-term respite for children in need who are enrolled in public schools in NSW and the ACT. Children come to Stewart House because they need a break from their normal life. Children are given medical, dental and optometric assessment, and if necessary, treatment. There is no cost involved. School principals are the only ones that can refer students to Stewart House.
St. Vincent de Paul provides assistance to needy school-aged students through its local committees.
ASCA’s funding helps to provide assistance for clothing and footwear, books and other classroom requisites, and school excursions.

The John Moriarty Football program is a Soccer development program aimed at indigenous school-aged youth in communities, with an eligibility condition that the children must regularly attend their schools.
The unique organisation was founded by the first Indigenous player selected for Australia, John Moriarty, and his son James.
Click here for a special message to ASCA members from The Moriarty Foundation.
Sports Excellence Scholarship Foundation
The Sports Excellence Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to students from low socio-economic backgrounds who have been selected to represent their state or country at sporting events, but who’s family lacks the financial resources to be able to afford the opportunity.
Click here for a special message to ASCA members from the Sports Excellence Scholarship Fund.
Western Chances believes in the power of education to transform lives. They give young people in Melbourne’s west the chance to fulfil their potential and overcome barriers to success by providing scholarships, opportunity programs and ongoing support.
Since 2004, Western Chances has invested over $6 million in scholarships to help young people across six municipalities in Melbourne’s west.
Click here for a special message to ASCA members from Western Chances.
The Song Room brightens the future for young people experiencing disadvantage through music and arts learning programs delivered in partnership with schools across Australia, to enhance students' education, personal development and community involvement.
Click here for a special message to ASCA members from The Song Room.